Revista Română de Statistică Supliment nr. 9/2024

Unele aspecte privind securitatea energetică a Uniunii Europene
Some aspects regarding the energy security of the European Union
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Assoc. prof. Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL PhD

Banking sustenabil – concept sau obiectiv strategic?
Sustainable Banking – concept or strategic objective?
Prof. Dan Costin NIȚESCU PhD
Adina Elena CĂLIN PhD Student
Andreea Mădălina BOZAGIU
Eugen-Marian VIERESCU PhD Student

Sistemele agrofotovoltaice – soluție modernă pentru revitalizarea terenurilor
Agrophotovoltaic systems – a modern solution for the land revitalization
Denis-Arthur STRIJEK PhD Student

Strategic management accounting and strategic analysis as tools for ensuring the efficiency of business entities and their competitiveness
Prof. Nataliia KUPRINA PhD
Associate Professor Khrystyna BARANIUK PhD
Associate Professor larysa MARCHUK PhD