Revista Română de Statistică nr. 1/2023

Actualele crize afectează în mod alarmant nivelul de trai al populaţie din România
The current crises are alarmingly affecting the standard of living of the Romanian population
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Lecturer Ștefan Virgil IACOB PhD
Iulian RADU PhD Student

Smart cities: innovative digital services and solutions
PhD Sergiu TUTUNARU Associate Professor
MBA Anatolie BABIN PhD Student

Câştigul salarial pe economie – afectat serios de crizele cu care se confruntă România
Wage gain on the economy – seriously affected by the crises facing Romania
Assoc. prof. Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL PhD
Dana Luiza GRIGORESCU PhD Student
Radu STOICA PhD Student

Reverse logistics as a circular economy model success factor
PhD Associate Professor Viktoriia Roleders