Analiza investiţiilor autohtone şi stăine în economia naţională
Analysis of domestic investments and stays in the national economy
Assoc. prof. Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL PhD
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Denis-Arthur STRIJEK PhD Student
Studiu privind metodologia de calcul al indicilor statistici prin procedeul separării acţiunii izolate a fiecărui factor şi repartizarea proporţională a interacţiunii factorilor de influenţă
Study on the methodology for calculating statistical indices through the process of separating the isolated action of each factor and the proportional distribution of the interaction of influencing factors
Associate Professor Nicolae Mihăilescu, PhD
Associate Professor Claudia Căpăţînă, PhD
Evoluţia producţiei serviciilor în contextul crizelor
The evolution of service production in the context of crises
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Lecturer Stefan Virgil IACOB PhD
Cristian Marius RĂDUȚ PhD Student
Impactul variabilelor macroeconomice asupra cursului leului moldovenesc
Impact of the macroeconomic variables on Moldovan leu exchange rate
PhD in Economics, Associated Professor Viorica Lopotenco
PhD in Economics, Associated Professor Ana Cîrlan
Comerţul internaţional continuă să afecteze creşterea PIB-ului
International trade continues to weigh on GDP growth
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Iulian RADU PhD Student
Dana Luiza GRIGORESCU PhD Student
Conditions (Environment) for The Formation Of Labor Mobility
Viktoria Blyzniuk
Liubov Yatsenko
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Avramchuk Lidiia
Analiza calităţii vieţii în România şi la nivelul ţărilor europene: Germania, Grecia şi Bulgaria
Analysis of the quality of life in Romania and at the level of European countries: Germany, Greece and Bulgaria
Marius CAPRĂ
Financing and Tax Factor in the Agricultural System Of Azerbaijan
Elmin Azar Girkhlarov
The essence and functions of cryptocurrencies
Firuz Panahov