Andrada Elena NIŢU (
Faculty of Agro-food and Environmental Economics, Academy of Studies Economics in Bucharest
Alexandra Diana CHIRESCU
Faculty of Agro-food and Environmental Economics, Academy of Studies Economics in Bucharest
Lucrarea prezintă determinarea activității economice a IMM-urilor din Regiunea Sud-Muntenia din România prin metoda analizei bibliometrice de tip cantitativ ce presupune identificarea evoluției în timp a documentelor științifice reprezentative din baza de date Scopus, analiză realizată cu ajutorul soft-ului VOSviewer (versiunea 1.6.18) si un model econometric de regresie liniara in Excel pentru determinarea influentei numarului de intreprinderi active din Regiunea Sud-Muntenia asupra României.
Cuvinte cheie: IMM; Sud-Muntenia, România, Economie, regresie, bibliometrie
Clasificare JEL: E22 Investment, Capital, Intangible Capital, Capacity
Analysis of the economic performance of SMEs in the South Muntenia Region
The paper presents the determination of the economic activity of SMEs in the South Muntenia Region of Romania by the method of bibliometric analysis of quantitative type that involves the identification of the evolution in time of the scientific documents representative from the Scopus database, analysis performed with the help of VOSviewer software (version 1.6.18) and an econometric model of linear regression in Excel to determine the evolution in time of the representative scientific documents from the Scopus database, analysis performed with the help of VOSviewer software (version 1.6.18) and an econometric model of linear regression in Excel to determine the influence of the number of active enterprises in the South Muntenia Region on Romania.
Keywords: SME; South Muntenia; Romania; Economics; regression; bibliometry.
JEL Classification: E22 Investment, Capital Intangible, Capital, Capacity