Revista Română de Statistică Supliment nr. 11/2020

Conturile naționale în sistemul informațional
National accounts in the information system
Prof. Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE PhD
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Cristian Marius RĂDUŢ PhD Student

Dinamica indicilor macroeconomici
Dynamics of macroeconomic indices
Assoc. prof. Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL PhD
Cristian Marius RĂDUȚ PhD Student
Daniel DUMITRU PhD Student

Assessing organic production efficiency
Iryna Zhyhlei PhD Professor
Iryna Zamula PhD Professor
Vitalii Travin PhD

Utilizarea indicatorilor macroeconomici în analize comparative
Use of macroeconomic indicators in comparative analyses
Lecturer Ștefan Virgil IACOB PhD
Conf. Ana Maria POPESCU PhD
Iulian RADU PhD Student

Motivation of management staff as a guarantee of business success
Inna Sysoieva PhD Professor

Principalele interconexiuni între indicatorii balanței de plăți externe și agregatele macroeconomice de rezultate
Main interconnections between external balance of payments indicators and macroeconomic aggregates of results
Dana Luiza GRIGORESCU PhD Student
Ștefan Gabriel DUMBRAVĂ PhD Student

Elements of technique of assessment of neo-industrial export specialization
Elena L. Andreeva, PhD Professor
Artem V. Ratner PhD Student

Studiu privind percepţia românilor faţă de Uniunea Europeană
Study on the perception of Romanians towards the European Union
Bogdan Drăghia