Noţiuni generale privind riscurile bancare
General Notions on banking Risks
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE, PhD
Prof. Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, PhD
Assoc. prof. Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL, PhD
Georgiana NIŢĂ PhD Student
Creditele neperformante şi impactul acestora asupra stabilităţii financiare
The Non-performing Credits and their Impact on the Financial Stability
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE, PhD
Prof. Mario G.R. PAGLIACCI PhD
Prof. Radu Titus MARINESCU PhD
Prof. Alexandru MANOLE PhD
Assoc. prof. Aurelian DIACONU PhD
Model de analiză a performanţei financiare a împrumutului şi a împrumutatului
Model Analysis of the financial Performance of the Loan and the Borrower
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE, PhD
Assoc. prof. Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL, PhD
Diana Valentina SOARE PhD
Alexandru BADIU PhD Student
Model de analiză a riscului de credit
Analysis Model of credit Risk
Assoc. prof. Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL, PhD
Assoc. prof. Aurelian DIACONU PhD
Georgiana NIŢĂ PhD Student
Ec. Andreea Ioana MARINESCU
Aspecte semnificative privind evoluţia activităţii economice în construcţii şi transporturi
Significant Aspects regarding the Evolution of Economic Activity in Constructions and Transports
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE, PhD
Prof. Alexandru MANOLE, PhD
Georgiana NIŢĂ PhD Student
Gyorgy BODO PhD Student
Emilia STANCIU PhD Student
Cadrul internaţional de supraveghere macroprudenţială a pieţelor financiar-bancare
The international Framework of macro-prudential Supervision of Financial-Banking Markets
Prof. Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, PhD
Assoc. prof. Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL, PhD
Daniel DUMITRESCU PhD Student
Marius POPOVICI PhD Student
Elemente privind instrumentele macroprudenţiale pentru a asigura stabilitatea financiară
Aspects regarding macro-prudential Instruments ensuring financial Stability
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE, PhD
Emilia STANCIU PhD Student
Marius POPOVICI PhD Student
Alexandru URSACHE PhD Student
Model statistico-econometric de analiză dispersională
Statistical-econometric Model for dispersion Analysis
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE, PhD
Prof. Ioan PARTACHI, PhD
Assoc. prof. Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL, PhD
Cristina SACALĂ PhD Student
Ec. Andreea Ioana MARINESCU
Model de evaluare a riscurilor bancare în contextul Comitetului BASEL
Banking Risk evaluation Model based on BASEL Committee
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE, PhD
Prof. Radu Titus MARINESCU PhD
Assoc. prof. Aurelian DIACONU PhD
Daniel DUMITRESCU, PhD Student
Redresarea economica la nivel mondial şi european
Global and European Economic Recovery
Assoc. prof. Raluca Andreea MIHALACHE PhD
Model de analiză a pieţei de asigurări. Noi provocări pentru managementul companiilor de profil
Model for an Insurance Market Analysis. New Challenges for Companies Management
Assoc. prof. Cristina Elena PROTOPOPESCU PhD
Modele de identificare şi analiză a riscurilor bancare
Models for the identification and analysis of banking Risks
Prof. Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, PhD
Prof. Radu Titus MARINESCU, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Anca Sorina POPESCU-CRUCERU PhD
Cristina SACALĂ PhD Student