Community Acquis. Deficiencies of the Legislative Harmonisation Process. Particular Focus on the Management as Cause of Incompliance

Bazil OGLINDĂ, Assistant Professor, LL.D.
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies


The purpose of this article is to make a statistical analysis regarding the reasons why some states failed to conform to the communitarian acquis.
The concept of communitarian acquis is a new one for Romania, but also very important because his scope is to put our legal system in conformity with the legal system of the European Union, this is why one of the conditions from Copenhagen imposes to the candidate states to incorporate the acquis.
After analyzing the jurisprudence of the European Union Court of Justice resulted that the main reason why tha states fail to comply with E.U. law is their deficient management which includes their capacity (resources) and the veto that some internal actors exercise over the government

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Sumar RRSS 1/2015