Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD.
Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, “Artifex” University of Bucharest
Adina Mihaela DINU PhD. Student
Georgeta BARDAŞU LIXANDRU PhD. Student
Andreea Gabriela BALTAC PhD. Student
Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
Assoc. prof. Aurelian DIACONU PhD.
“Artifex” University of Bucharest
This paper presents the evolution of Romanian industry during the last fourteen years. Some of the key topics approached by the authors are the overall evolution of industry, the emphasis of the most significant braches of industry, which recorded growths or decreases, the analysis of the turnover in industry.
The statistical data concerning the situation recorded by the industry up to July 2013, published by the National Institute for Statistics, are offering a still discussable picture on the forthcoming foreseeable period.
If in 2000 the industrial production marked a slight increase as against the year 1999 (practically achieved due to almost exhausted
resources), after the year 2001 it is possible to state out that a recovery process has been launched which, unfortunately, has been fractured as from the beginning of the IV quarter when the effects of the economic and financial crisis start of being felt.
This development occurred at the level of all branches, mainly the one of the electric and thermic energy.