Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD.
Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, “Artifex” University of Bucharest
Cristina SACALĂ PhD. Student
Alexandru URSACHE PhD. Student
Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
The production of goods for the population was the result of the ratio between supply and demand, governed by the laws of free market, which imposed the development of the production for some goods and the elimination of others. Step by step, the production of industrial and nonindustrial goods was subjected to competition of the European free market, context in which a series of products become non-profitable and, despite limited resources of the population, were replaced with import products.
The structure of the industrial production, emphasizes that the goods required by the consumption of the population as well as by the economic activity, had structure defined by the adjusting process, generated by the real situation of the economy, by the needs of the Romanian economy, as well as by the economic potential of the population and economic agents, at a given moment.