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Ilie Dumitrescu Archive
What is the value of official statistics and how do we communicate that value?
Posted on October 6, 2014 | No CommentsTudorel ANDREI Ilie DUMITRESCU Daniela ŞTEFĂNESCU National Institute of Statistics – Romania Motto: “Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted” Albert Einstein […] -
Institutional management of European statistics and of their quality – current concerns at European level
Posted on February 25, 2014 | No CommentsPhD Professor Vergil Voineagu Ilie Dumitrescu PhD Senior Lecturer Daniela Ştefănescu Abstract The issues referring to official statistics quality and reliability became the main topics of debates as far as […] -
Official statistics and challenges in terms of “photographing” the economic and financial crisis
Posted on February 6, 2014 | No CommentsPhD Professor Vergil Voineagu Ec. Ilie Dumitrescu PhD Senior Lecturer Daniela Ştefănescu National Institute of Statistics Abstract It refers to the translation in European statistics of long term priorities to […] -
Statistica oficială a înregistrat multiple progrese. Principiile fundamentale ale statisticii oficiale rămân valabile?
Posted on February 5, 2014 | No CommentsComunicare prezentată la Seminarul Conferinţei Statisticienilor Europeni (6-8 iunie 2012) PhD Professor Vergil Voineagu Ilie Dumitrescu PhD Senior Lecturer Daniela Ştefănescu Seminarul, desfăşurat cu ocazia Sesiunii Plenare a Conferinţei a […] -
O parte din vasta activitate profesional-ştiinţifică desfăşurată de Gheorghe Răboacă
Posted on February 4, 2014 | No CommentsIlie Dumitrescu Ioan B. Gâlceavă Grigore Grama Societatea Română de Statistică Gheorghe Răboacă – cercetător ştiinţific, profesor, director şi preşedinte al Consiliului Ştiinţific al Institutului Naţional de Cercetare Ştiinţifică pentru […] -
Personalitate de primă mărime a statisticii româneşti: Prof. univ. dr. docent Constantin Ionescu
Posted on February 3, 2014 | No CommentsIlie Dumitrescu Ioan B. Gâlceavă Grigore Grama Societatea Română de Statistică Constantin Ionescu şi-a început activitatea profesional-ştiinţifică în anul 1954 la instituţia centrală de statistică (Direcţia Centrală de Statistică), după […]