Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD (
Bucharest University of Economic Studies / Artifex University of Bucharest
Assoc. prof. Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL PhD (
Artifex University of Bucharest
PhD Student Marius-Cristian RADUŢ (
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
PhD Student Denis-Arthur STRIJEK (
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
The article presents in its content a series of theoretical, statistical and econometric concepts regarding the situation on the labor market in Romania. This article starts from the premise that in order to achieve the sustainable development defined by Agenda 2023 and the document A sustainable future of Europe, it is necessary for the management of human resources to be performed in order to ensure economic growth. After the presentation of the theoretical concepts, we expanded the analysis on the situation of the labor market in Romania, with the help of statistical tools, presenting evolutions, graphically and in table form, of the labor resources, of the employed population by gender, residential areas and activities of the national economy, developments in the unemployment rate and others. Also, the distribution of the labor force on the territory of Romania was analyzed and the regions with the highest activation, employment and unemployment rates were highlighted.
Keywords: active population, unemployment rate, employed population, indicator, jobs
JEL Classification: E24, J21, J64