Romanian Statistical Review 1/2024

Data-driven visualisations for official statistics – A case study implementing corporate design in R
Hendrik Christian Doll
Deutsche Bundesbank, DG Data and Statistics
Daniel Ollech
Deutsche Bundesbank, DG Data and Statistics

[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Difference on Evaluation Scores Considering Image Descriptions for Autocoding
Yukako Toko
National Statistics Center, Japan
Mika Sato-Ilic
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Japan

[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Improving the quality of civil servants’ professional training process through digitalization – an exploratory research from employees’ perspective
Assoc. prof. Laura Mina-Raiu
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Associate professor
Lecturer Cătălin- Valentin Raiu
Bucharest University
Manuela Comăniciu
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, MA student

[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Is Google Trends Useful in Nowcasting Unemployment Rate During the Pandemic at Regional and National Level in Romania?
Mihaela Simionescu, PhD Professor (Full)
Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy

[Abstract] | [Full Text]