Data-driven visualisations for official statistics – A case study implementing corporate design in R
Hendrik Christian Doll
Deutsche Bundesbank, DG Data and Statistics
Daniel Ollech
Deutsche Bundesbank, DG Data and Statistics
Difference on Evaluation Scores Considering Image Descriptions for Autocoding
Yukako Toko
National Statistics Center, Japan
Mika Sato-Ilic
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Improving the quality of civil servants’ professional training process through digitalization – an exploratory research from employees’ perspective
Assoc. prof. Laura Mina-Raiu
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Associate professor
Lecturer Cătălin- Valentin Raiu
Bucharest University
Manuela Comăniciu
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, MA student
Is Google Trends Useful in Nowcasting Unemployment Rate During the Pandemic at Regional and National Level in Romania?
Mihaela Simionescu, PhD Professor (Full)
Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy