Data-driven visualisations for official statistics – A case study implementing corporate design in R

Hendrik Christian Doll (
Deutsche Bundesbank, DG Data and Statistics
Daniel Ollech
Deutsche Bundesbank, DG Data and Statistics

We introduce the {bbkplot} package, an easy-to-use R package to create graphics in the Deutsche Bundesbank corporate design. Thereby, we facilitate user-friendly and reliable production of data-driven graphics in exact accordance with the design guidelines. Lessons learned apply to many statistical offices and providers of data that aim to communicate the reliability of their published statistics through a unified corporate design.
The presented package allows the conversion of figures and tables into graphics precisely adhering to the corporate design standards. We provide an implementation for a complex corporate design standard that specifies formatting requirements for graphics in great detail. {bbkplot} automates the exact application of these requirements and enables a quick and easy production of high-quality graphics. Therefore, we aspire for {bbkplot} to serve as a blueprint for statistical offices to implement user-friendly pipelines using R to create high-quality output.
We see multiple value propositions from the package. (1) By advancing from pre-specified graphic types to flexible plot creation, {bbkplot} efficiently allows the creation of a wide range of graphics in corporate design. (2) By facilitating graphics creation for a wide range of publications, we support a more comprehensive external brand appearance for providers of official statistics. (3) By demonstrating an implementation of a complex corporate design in R, we hope to enable providers of official statistics to implement similar solutions.
Keywords: R-package, data dissemination, statistics communication
JEL classification: C80, C88, Y10.

Romanian Statistical Review 1/2024