Emilian Dobrescu
Viorel Gaftea
The INS extended input-output tables were organized into twenty-sectoral structure, which allows a deeper investigation of the Romanian economy in its evolution from the centrally planned system to market mechanisms. Integral statistical series 1989-2018 are compacted into three annexes: i) the sectoral shares of output and of gross value added (Appendix 1); ii) the technical coefficients at current prices (Appendix 2); and iii) the Leontief coefficients at current prices (Appendix 3). Methodological problems discussed in the previous fourteen-sectoral structure (Romanian Statistical Review 3/2019) remain valid and are not repeated. As an illustration of the analytical insights offered by these statistical series, the present paper examines from a dynamical perspective the temporal intensity of sectoral changes, their interdependences, the main relocations of the output multipliers, structural impulses for changing the ratio of gross value added to output.
Key-words: sectoral structure, I-O coefficients, stationarity tests, Granger causality, output multiplers
JEL Classification: C12, C67