Transposing good practices in the Field Of Quality Management in Japan, within Romanian Public Administration

Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Isabelle-Alexandra BUCURA (
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Cătălin Valentin RAIU (
University of Bucharest


This paper presents the results of a case study conducted within the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC) from Romania, with focus on identifying the level of knowledge and use of the methods and instruments of Total Quality Management in the institution, using the Japanese model of TQM as a point of reference. In the first part, the paper briefly discusses the peculiarities of the unique style in which the Japanese use Total quality management specific tools, such as Statistical Quality Control (SQC), Quality Circles (QC), Continuous Improvement (kaizen), or Deming’s cycle called P-D-C-A. Next, the paper aims to identify the way in which TQM is understood and used by the human resource of the Ministry of Education and Research in Romania, the efforts directed towards the implementation of a quality management system, the degree of implementation of internal management control standards (SCIM), which are specific to public administration at central level and last but not least, the perception and vision that civil servants in the Ministry of Education have in relation to the techniques and methods of implementing TQM, as identified in the first part of this study. Therefore, in the last part, we present the analysis, as well as the interpretation of the data obtained following the application of a quantitative survey administered among Ministry staff.
Keywords: total quality management, Japan, statistical means of quality control, public administration from the central level, internal management control standards (SCIM).

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Romanian Statistical Review 1/2021