Input-Output Coefficients of the Romanian Economy – Annual Data 1989-2016, Current Prices –

Emilian Dobrescu (
Viorel Gaftea (


Using the INS comprehensive input-output tables, the present work re-estimates data for a fourteen sectoral structure of the Romanian economy. With simple additional computations, this structure can be transformed into four mega-fields classification: primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary. The main results are the following statistical series 1989-2016 for:
i) the sectoral shares of output and gross value added (Appendix 1 – Sectoral shares in output and in gross value added);
ii) the technical coefficients at current prices (Appendix 2 – A-matrix); and
iii) the Leontief coefficients at current prices (Appendix 3 – L-matrix).
As a preponderantly explicative text, the note insists on the methodological framework in which the fourteen sectoral I-O tables were built. Some dynamic features of the estimated structure and of the I-O matrices (A and L) during the transition of the country from a centrally planned system to a market mechanisms are also described. The note ends with a short set of conclusions, with special emphasis on further desirable research.

Key-words: sectoral structure, I-O coefficients
JEL Classification: C67

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Romanian Statistical Review 3/2019