rTempo – an R package to access the TEMPO-Online database

Ana-Maria ȚÎRU (ana.tiru@insse.ro)
National Institute of Statistics, Romania
Iulia Elena TOMA, PhD. Candidate (iulia.toma92@gmail.com)
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Marian NECULA (marian.necula@insse.ro)
National Institute of Statistics, Romania


In this paper we describe rTempo which is an R package that provides functions to access statistical data from TEMPO-Online database. Our package provides only the bulk download method since the TEMPO-Online database, Romanian National Institute of Statistics public database, does not have yet an API or a web service to access the data. Accessing data directly from R improves the efficiency of statistical production since it eliminates the tedious GUI. The communication between our package and TEMPO-Online database is achieved using the HTTP. Querying and searching for the data is done using rvest package. Besides the actual data, our package also provides facilities for downloading the metadata.

Keywords: R, Tempo online, statistical database access, R packages
JEL Classification: C18, C63, C88

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Romanian Statistical Review 4/2017