Elena Bănică (elenabanica77@gmail.com)
National Institute for Statistics, Bucharest, Romania
Valentina Vasile (valentinavasile2009@gmail.com)
Institute of National Economy-Romanian Academy
The sustainable development on export means both specific market share growth and use of high-qualified human resources, able to create quality goods for export as well as technological transfer and quality of work promotion for increasing companies’ competitiveness on international markets. The scope of the paper is to analyze the impact of external trade in goods on employment in Romania. The research is based on companies’ typology on main activity, ownership and technological level of exported goods. Special attention is devoted to the impact of firms with FDI and high-tech products on export dynamics and sustainability and quality of employment. To reach this goal, VAR models are being conducted, using R statistical software.
The results of the analyses performed revealed an inverse relationship between export growth and developments in unit labor costs. The role of FDI in the economic development of a region and even of the economy cannot be disputed but exports provided by FDI firms remain rather limited by the restricted integrated value chains, mainly oriented to origin countries.
Keywords: foreign trade, employment, VAR models, R statistical software
JEL Classification: F14, F16, C87