A Secular Indicator Of the Degree Of Economic Development and Synthetic Evaluation Of Population Well-Being Trends
Senior Lecturer Habil. PhD. Gheorghe Săvoiu
University of Piteşti
[Abstract] | [Full Text]
Are the Central and East European Countries attracting the appropriate type of foreign direct investments?
Vasile Alecsandru Strat
Academia de Studii Economice
[Abstract] | [Full Text]
Overview of Demographic Evolution in Romania
Valentina VASILE
Institute of National Economy, Romanian Academy, Romania
Ana Maria DOBRE
National Institute of Statistics & Institute of National Economy, Romanian Academy
[Abstract] | [Full Text]
The Relationship between Shadow Economy and Unemployment Rate. A Ardl Causality Analysis for the Case Of Romania
PhD.Lecturer Adriana AnaMaria Davidescu
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
[Abstract] | [Full Text]
Culture, Materiality, Memory: Collective Ownership and Action In Romanian Mutual Funds
Narcis Tulbure, PhD Student
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
[Abstract] | [Full Text]
Correlations between Lifestyle and Ischemic Heart Disease in Young Patient
PhD. Raluca IANULA
University “Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania
[Abstract] | [Full Text]
Cluster Analysis on Cohesion Policy Towards Europe 2020 Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
Ramona Camelia Bere
Ioana Bucerzan (Precup)
Bucharest University of Academic Studies
[Abstract] | [Full Text]