Romanian Statistical Review 2/2014

The World of Statistics

R – a Global Sensation in Data Science
Nicoleta Caragea
Antoniade-Ciprian Alexandru
Ecological University of Bucharest – Faculty of Economics
Ana Maria Dobre
National Institute of Statistics, Romania
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Statistical Data Analysis via R and PHP: A Case Study Of the Relationship Between GDP and Foreign Direct Investments for The Republic Of Moldova
PhD Candidate Ştefan Cristian CIUCU
The Bucharest University of Economics Studies, Romania
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Creating statistical reports in the past, present and future
PhD candidate Gergely Daróczi
BCE, Hungary
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

The Progress of R in Romanian Official Statistics
Ana Maria Dobre
National Institute of Statistics, Romania
Cecilia Roxana Adam
National Institute of Economic Reasearch “Costin C. Kiritescu” of the Romanian Academy, Romania
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Multilevel model analysis using R
Nicolae-Marius JULA
Nicolae Titulescu University of Bucharest
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Demographic Research On the Socio Economic Background of Students of the Ecological University of Bucharest
Ph.D. Janina Mihaela Mihăilă
Ecological University of Bucharest
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Integrating R and Hadoop for Big Data Analysis
Bogdan Oancea
“Nicolae Titulescu” University of Bucharest
Raluca Mariana Dragoescu
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Methodological considerations on the size of Coefficient of Intensity of Structural Changes (CISC)
Dr. Florin Marius Pavelescu
Institute of National Economy
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Using R To Get Value Out Of Public Data
PhD Candidate Marius Radu
PhD Assistant Ioana Mureşan
PhD Professor Răzvan Nistor
Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Data Editing and Imputation in Business Surveys Using “R”
Elena Romascanu
National Institute of Statistics, Romania
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

The Bayesian Modelling Of Inflation Rate In Romania
PhD Senior Researcher Mihaela Simionescu (Bratu)
Institute for Economic Forecasting of the Romanian Academy
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Estimation procedure in Monthly retail trade survey in Serbia using R software
Sofija Suvocarev
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Development and Current Practice in Using R at Statistics Austria
Matthias Templ
Statistics Austria, Vienna University of Technology
Alexander Kowarik
Bernhard Meindl
Statistics Austria
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Using R as an alternative teaching tool in the Ecological University of Bucharest
Carmen Ungureanu
Ecological University of Bucharest
[Abstract] | [Full Text]