The International Conference On the Population and Dwellings Census

The International Conference on the Population and Dwellings Census has been organised by EUROSTAT together with the National Institute of Statistics of Romania, being considered a remarkable event, a genuine festival for the statisticians, indicating the completion of the provisions of the World Programme of the Population and Dwellings Censuses 2011, document adopted by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
A number of 135 countries have participated to this programme. The implementation of the population census has been an enormous effort for the statisticians, and the Round 2010 of the census at global level has been regarded as a most special edition because it mirrored the technological innovations produced during the last ten years. Innovations have been introduced in both the implementation pattern of the census – such as the use of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and of the on line Questionnaires – and the way of data collection – from face to face interviews to data multi-model collection.

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Romanian Statistical Review 11/2012