Conf. univ. dr. Gheorghe Săvoiu
Piteşti University
PhD Candidate Mariana Vladu
Tiraspol University – Moldova
This paper succeeds in investigating, through a questionnaire-based research conducted on a population of managers-teachers, the opinion of the skills / competences which are the main managerial and decision-making support. Ordered hierarchically as early as their intial scaling in the phase of drafting the questionnaire and piloting the project, the three categories of competences / skills:
Technical skills – 5 points
Interpersonal skills – 3 points
Skills of self-improvement – 2 points provide an interesting correlation between them and aggregately, and also with the scores of other 24 detailed comptences in the joint research of the two specific questionnaires designed to support the investigation proper. The article details some of the gaps or the differences between the teachers-managers’s and the teachers’ subpopulation. Another interesting problem solved here is provided by modelling the managerial aggregate score by means of the factors identified in the body of a matrix of correlation.