Romanian Statistical Review 5/2012

Romania in the European Union – international comparisons
PhD Professor Constantin Anghelache
PhD Senior Lecturer Alexandru Manole
 „Artifex” University – Bucharest
[Abstract] | [Full Text] | [Text complet]

Programe de perfecţionare specializată
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Used Models and Criteria for Asset Yields Explanation
PhD Candidate Florin Dan Pieleanu
Academy of Economic Studies
[Abstract] | [Full Text] | [Text complet]

The Unemployed Territorial Professional Reorientation
PhD Senior Lecturer Gheorghe Săvoiu
PhD Lecturer Consuela Necşulescu
Piteşti University
[Abstract] | [Full Text] | [Text complet]

Swot Analysis-Management Techniques to Streamline Public Business Management
PhD Candidate Rodica Ivorschi
Academy of Economic Studies
[Abstract] | [Full Text] | [Text complet]

Multiple logistic regression model to predict risk factors of oral health diseases
PhD  Shivalingappa B. Javali
SDM College of Dental Sciences, Karnataka, India
PhD Parameshwar V. Pandit
Bangalore University, Karnataka, India
[Abstract] | [Full Text]

Editarea publicaţilor şi diseminarea datelor statistice oficiale
[Abstract] | [Text complet]